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What are your countermeasures to reduce defect rate?

Defect rate reduction is done in several ways as follows: When the defect rate is tolerable (that is, within the AQL or the “AcceptableQuality Level”), the data is recorded and put under monitoring. When the defect rate is not tolerable (in this case, it is above the AQL), theproblem is reported in a “LOT OUT” procedure for the concerned entity toinvestigate the root cause and implement measures. On a monthly basis, the defect rate data is gathered and analyze with… Read More »What are your countermeasures to reduce defect rate?

What measuring machines/equipment do you use? And how precise is it?

Our measurement process uses different measuring equipment depending on eachspecific customer requirements. For common measurement, calipers, micrometers anddifferent kinds of gauges are used. For dimensions requiring high precision, we are usingthe state of the art 3D measuring machine (CMM, Coordinate Measuring Machines),High Precision/High Magnification Measuring Microscopes, and recently with the latestCMM with scanning capability.